Taigan Lion Park

Парк Львов Тайган. Татьяна

Сколько ни смотрю, не перестаю "балдеть" от доброты и любви львиной...Друзья, подписывайтесь на наш НОВЫЙ КАНАЛ "Тайган #shorts" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkNNtpZzAbyF6d6Yo5P7eeQ ! На этом канале вы сможете увидеть короткие яркие видео из жизни Парка львов "Тайган" и его создателя Олега Зубкова!

Taigan Lion Park - Where Lions Hug Tourist

Taigan Lions Park is located in the Crimean Peninsula, close to the town of Belogorsk. The nearest airport is Simferopol, about 55 km away. These are various animals & birds you can see in the park, including - Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Cougars, Snow Leopards, Jaguars, Hyena, different monkeys (Chimps, Orangutan, Baboons and smaller species), Wolfs, Brown & Black Bears, Camels, Horses, Buffalos, Cows, Alpacas, Giraffes and other hoofed mammals. There are also Kangaroos, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Raccoon, Raccoon Dogs, Coati, Foxes, a Roe Deer, Rabbits, Chickens, Guinea Hens, Peacocks walking around the park, Macaw Parrots, Vultures that are Crimean endemic, Pelicans, Flamingos, Cranes and others, and even a Seal. There are about 80 Lions, 40 Tigers, other big cats are less numerous, 2-3 couples of each species. None of the Lions have been castrated of sterilized and will often fight with each other and form prides with leader. Taigan's territory is 32 ha, 20 of which serve as a big open savannah where Lions live during the warm season. There are over 2 km of overpass roads from which visitors can observe Lions' natural life. With more than 80 Lions, with many friendly lions with whom you can interact with, such as hug and pat and take selfies with. All this costs just $6000 Rubles or about $90 USD Thanks for watching.


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