The Weather Network

Welcome to The Weather Network’s official YouTube page. We know that you rely on us to plan your day around our forecasts and trust that it is accurate - we are dedicated to delivering you the most in-depth forecasts to help you plan your daily activities. We provide weather information 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on the web, mobile, tablet applications, and TV. 

So...why come here? Because here, we go beyond the we will inspire your curiosity about weather and science, we will tell you stories that go beyond the data and we will reveal the natural phenomena of weather and its effects.

Prepare to be marveled in the wonder of weather!

Dust devil kicks up at baseball diamond

The Weather Network

A dust devil or mini-tornado lands on a baseball diamond creating chaos.

Bear charges hunter in Canada backcountry

The Weather Network

Video courtesy: Richard Wesley A hunter in Northern Ontario, Canada got the scare of his life, and on his birthday no less, when a black bear charged and knocked him over on May 17, 2017. The man is a seasoned archery hunter and at the time was hunting on his land in Hearst, Ontario, Canada. The man stated to The Weather Network: ‘It is a true learning experience as to how unpredictable our wild black bears can be. I decided to share with everyone to show people on how fast a bear can charge attack an individual.’ The bear was not injured and the hunter was nursing an elbow and ego bruise.

Great day for fishing, until a great white shark decides to steal from you

The Weather Network

A group of charter boat fishermen aboard the Stunmai II in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, hooked a bit more than they bargained for on August 12, as a great white shark leapt from the water, snapping up their catch.

Extreme Alberta winds causes semi truck to tip over

The Weather Network

The truck driver was shaken but not injured after his transport fell victim to strong winds in Southern Alberta.

Lucky day for drivers as they escape falling massive boulder (on cam)

The Weather Network

The truck driver was shaken but not injured after his transport fell victim to strong winds in Southern Alberta.

This seagull is FROZEN in mid-air (on cam)

The Weather Network

This poor bird was struggling hard in the heavy winds in Wasaga Beach. Probably a better idea to walk instead of fly.

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