The Medical Cannabis Guidebook x 4

 The Medical Cannabis Guidebook

With 18 states that have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes, more Americans are curious about medical cannabis: How can it help me? What diseases does it alleviate? How can I get it?.
The Medical Cannabis Guidebook is the most comprehensive guide to medical cannabis produced to date, with information on the types of diseases that can be treated with cannabis, real patient case studies, legal advice and much more. With many recipes for extracts, descriptions of administration techniques, and discussions of the therapeutic uses of cannabis through the ages,
The Medical Cannabis Guidebook serves as a manual for cannabis use and also allows patients to make and grow their own medicine, in the correct way for their specific disease, with the correct dose, and give them all the information so that they can make their own decisions. An indispensable guide for anyone in need of medical cannabis, anyone curious about its uses, and even users looking to get the most out of their medicine.

Format: PDF
Language: ENGLISH

Cannabis: A Complete Guide by Ernest Small

Cannabis: A Complete Guide by Ernest Small, is the most comprehensive guide available for scientists, physicians, economists, students, industries and governments, to assess the risks and benefits of all aspects of cannabis. Makes a complete and up-to-date analysis of cannabis-related studies (with more than 1,700 bibliographic citations), research conducted by the author, and through consultations with leading experts.
The text is accessible, easy to use, concise and well organized, making some topics difficult to understand, easy to understand, so it is not only aimed at specialists, but also at students and the general public. It includes more than 280 high-quality color illustrations to complement the topics covered. All chapters include a section with memorable, fascinating or humorous facts, to try to make them more entertaining.

Format: PDF
Language: ENGLISH


Cannabis – A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

This is a 3-in-1 reference book. First is a comprehensive medical dictionary covering hundreds of cannabis-related terms and expressions. It also offers extensive lists of bibliographic citations. and finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with dedicated cannabis research.

Chapter 1: Cannabis Studies
Chapter 2: Nutrition and cannabis
Chapter 3: Alternative Medicine and Cannabis
Chapter 4: Dissertations on Cannabis
Chapter 5: Clinical Trials and Cannabis
Chapter 6: Patents on Cannabis
Chapter 7: Books on Cannabis
Chapter 8: Cannabis Multimedia
Appendix A: Physician Resources
Appendix B: Patient Resources
Appendix C: Finding Medical Libraries

Format: PDF
Language: ENGLISH

¿Marihuana como medicina? Usos médicos y terapéuticos del cannabis y los cannabinoides

Este informe que se entrega tiene como objetivo fundamental poner a disposición de políticos, profesionales de la salud y la población toda, un resumen de la información disponible al presente sobre el cannabis y los cannabinoides. Pero aunque ha sido elaborado a partir de la revisión de trabajos publicados en los medios de comunicación científca más acreditados y producidos por los autores más reconocidos en la materia, técnicamente hablando, no se trata de un meta-análisis.

¿Qué es el cannabis, por qué es una medicina y qué medicinas a base de cannabis existen hoy día?
Farmacología y toxicidad del cannabis
El cannabis y las enfermedades neurológicas
Enfermedades y síntomas del aparato digestivo y del estado nutricional
Adicciones y problemas de salud mental
El cannabis en el cáncer y los cuidados paliativos

Formato: PDF

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